Welcome to jonahkatz.com!

Originally from the apple orchards of Northern California, Jonah Katz is a versatile physical comedian with skills in clown, theater, juggling, tap dance, and acrobatics. He has entertained in theaters, clubs, cinemas, and circus tents throughout the globe, and on the street in much of Europe, Australia, North, and Central America. After completing the San Francisco Circus Center's Clown Conservatory, James Donlon's Flying Actor Studio, and Master Lu Yi's Professional Acrobatic Training Program, Jonah received intensive acrobatic training at the Cité du Cirque Marcel Marceau (France), the Nanjing Acrobatic Troupe (China), Circus Oz (Australia), and Circo Criollo (Argentina), and founded Company Cirque en Déroute, Cirk biZ'arT, and Chuck & Charlotte. Jonah taught clowning and tap dancing for four years of the Western Clowning Workshop in Nanjing, China, and directed the hit shows Haibao Restaurant and Dream Canteen. Jonah received rave reviews for his portrayal of Trinculo in the AASC's production of The Tempest, and rocked and extended run at La Biennale with Cabaret biZ'arT. In 2021 Jonah created the multi-media project Intérieur Cuir in collaboration with some of the best talents around! He recently appeared in Italy's long running TV show Tú Sí Que Vales. Jonah is currently touring BOUCAN - the most hilarious show ever made!